Tharos | Basic Info:
Name: Tharos
Gender: Male
Species: Eastern Dragon
Element: Water
Orientation: Heterosexual - Heteroromantic
Birthday: 29th January
Age: 2,000 years
Favourite Hobbies/Activities:
Tharos enjoys exploring his cove. It is just large enough for him to dive in and he will watch the fish there.
Tharos | History and Key Events:
Tharos | Relationships:
To go back to my other characters >>
Physical Appearance and Accessories:
Tharos is a slender, long-bodied Eastern dragon. His length is about thirty feet and stands at ten feet tall up to his shoulders. He has smooth blue scales, most of which are slightly dull. Along his body runs a vibrant blue stripe and the same colour can also be seen at the end of his tail, sectioned off from the other blue by white, and banded around the lower sections of all four legs. On his legs there are purple coloured bands. His feet are grey with darker claws and are seperated from his blue legs by white bands. Tharos has a white underside from his neck to the start of his tail. His face has a white mask and a grey stripe circles his muzzle. His eyes contain a mix of blue and yellow, while his ears are purple and grey. From his head protudes two grey horns which split near the tip. He also has two long, thin whiskers. He has bright blue hair under his face and a line of thick white hair covers all of his back, ending at his tail and forming a fan of long hair.
Personality and Quirks:
He is exceptionally wise and many often seek him for his words, as well as his knowledge. Tharos is not hostile but he isn't overly friendly either, the best way to describe his tone towards others is neutral. He is well-tempered and it is quite difficult to annoy or anger him. Grudges are not something that he holds, he is very forgiving.
This dragon is too curious for his own good and will pry for answers when questions are not welcome. He has a tendency to correct others when they use the wrong word or term, which can make him an annoyance. Sometimes he can come across as rude or disrespectful even if he doesn't intend to. Tharos is a little regretful over common mistakes and missed opportunities.
As an Asian dragon, he has the traditional control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods. He gains power by being close to water and weakens the longer he is away from it. When he has no power, he can't use his abilities. Stronger abilities require more energy. Stormy weather makes him stronger, but not as much as other sources of water, and helps him heal, but very slowly.
He lives on Sage's island, in a cove. The beaches are almost white while the water is clear and azure in colour.

Art by blank canvas. (389887) on CS

Lines by Tealea (219096) on CS Coloured by skyler1515 (702961) on CS Lines here:

Art by blank canvas. (389887) on CS

"Quote to describe Tharos."
Tharos | Rules:
[x] None
Colour: Fuchia
Food: Chilli
Animal: Tiger
Music: WIP
Letter: T
Number: 52
Season: Autumn
Day of the Week: Friday
Event: WIP
Outside Activity: WIP
Inside Activity: WIP
✗ Deep water (has bathophobia)
✗ Hard work
✗ Dull colours
✗ Fire
✗ Parties
✗ Heat
✗ Romance
✓ Water
✓ Poetry
✓ Riddles
✓ Spicy food
✓ Helping others
✓ Fish
✓ Stone skipping
✓ Pottery
✓ Fish
✓ Diving
✓ Whale song