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Colour: Green
Food: Peach
Animal: Koi fish

Music: Classical
Letter: K
Number: 13
Season: Spring
Day of the Week: Sunday
Event: Arbor Day
Outside Activity: Herb gathering
Inside Activity: Fish keeping



Sage | Basic Info:


Name: Sage - Named after a herb and colour

Gender: Male
Species: Western Dragon

Element: Nature

Orientation: Heterosexual - Heteroromantic

Birthday: 29th May
Age: 250 years


Favourite Hobbies/Activities:

Sage loves to fly. When he isn't flying, he is usually walking while looking for plants or in his lair. In his lair he is most likely to be tending to his plants or koi fish. He also often experiments with herbs to find new medicines.


Sage | History and Key Events:

Sage was found as an egg. Originally, he was guarded by his flight on the top of the tallest mountain in the human's world. His flight was the most well-known one and often attacked the nearby villages. The mountain top was safe from human attacks. His father was a dark green dragon, covered in fearsome spikes. His mother was a white dragon with green eyes. Sage's father had sent some of the best hunters in the flight on a hunting trip. However, after a long wait, they returned with humans; unknown to them that it was Akkim, who was greedy for their power. The humans had captured the dragons and turned them against their flight. Sage's father fought off the attackers while his mother fled with their clutch of four eggs. Two humans had tracked her and killed her, his father is presumed to be dead too. Three of the eggs were damaged, and the men kept Sage's egg for themselves. Sage's egg was sold on the black market. A girl, Sage's future owner, refused to buy the egg as she felt that something was wrong with the way the men were re-acting to her questions; she stole it.


The egg was taken to the human's island, which is hidden by magic. It has various habitats for all the creatures there. The egg was incubated by the volcano. After a few months the egg started to hatch. When dragons hatch, they have an effect on the world around them. Sage is a nature dragon, so he caused flowers to bloom on the entire island. It was said that only the most powerful dragons could do this. After the long aging to maturity, he and his owner went out on visits across the world. One of Sage's favourite places was Japan. Here, he found a pond full of koi and developed an interest in them, soon getting his own. He wishes to ascend them into dragons like in the stories he has heard, but he doesn't know how to. The other dragons on the island respect Sage, and seem to obey him. Sage does not understand why, but the others just say they feel as if they have to. Sage believes it's something to do with his past...


After a few years, he returned to Japan to explore. His owner had left him in the wilderness, alone. He wandered the bamboo forests and while he was examining the plants, a blue dragon ran towards him. He was surprised and felt endangered so he threatened the female. After realising she meant no harm, he discussed with the blue dragon. He learned that she was did not like humans. His owner returned with Eira the iguana. The new dragon was afraid of them at first. The group persuaded the dragon to return home with them. Only then did they introduce themselves and he found that the dragon was named Nebula. A beautiful name for a beautiful dragon.


They spent a few months as the only dragons on the island. Because of this, they became close and realised that they loved each other. And so, they became mates. Some of the reason for this was also the encouragement from their owner; dragons were extremely rare and faced extinction. Plus, baby dragons were 'cute' and the human missed raising Sage. Eventually, they layed their first clutch of eggs. One day he went out with his owner while Nebula stayed at home. When he returned, he was instantly greeted by his emotional mate. She was both furious and distraught, he had rarely seen her like this. A dog, Sparrow, had somehow managed to enter the island. She tried to destroy their nest and managed to kill one of the four eggs. Nebula explained that the dog claimed to be a dragon hunter. Luckily, the remaining eggs hatched safely. One was an almost pure white dragon, with gradients of green and blue. The other was green with blue stripes similar to his own. The last closely resembled their mother with some patches of green spots. Nothing dramatic happened during the upbringing of their hatchlings and two eventually left to find a new home, away from the island.


One day, Sage was confronted by a red dragon named Akkim. The new dragon tried to convince him that humans were evil and asked Sage to turn against his human, to join him. He refused as he could tell there was something off about this dragon. Sage knew that his words weren't true. The dragon still harasses Sage to this day.


Sage | Relationships:

Sage is closest to his owner. He protects his owner with his life. Since he was his owner's first dragon and he has such power, due to his heritage, Sage has granted his owner with immortality. Because of their close bond, it seems as if his owner has become part dragon herself.


His koi may be close to him, but he won't risk his life for them. They are essentially his hoard, like other dragons have gold. Sage's dream is to ascend his koi into Eastern dragons like in Japanese stories but he does not know how to.


Unknown to Sage, his ancestors were the leaders of a mighty flight of dragons. They ruled the area. He has great potential because of this. Due to his lack of contact with dragons for most of his life, he has not managed to realise his power.


His mate is Nebula and they have three hatchlings together. The first is Leilah, who left the island once she matured.


He does not like the dragons Tharos and Akkim. He only dislikes the Eastern dragon as he is jealous of how much attention he receives from Nebula. There is some interest in him though, as Sage believes he may know how to ascend koi since Tharos is an Eastern dragon. However, Sage has a stronger dislike of Akkim. The green dragon does not trust him at all and believes that he wants to cause problems.


To go back to my other characters >>
Physical Appearance and Accessories:


This dragon is smaller than some others. He is only seventeen feet long, most of which is his whip-like tail. His wingspan is rougly the same as this. He is approximately fifteen feet at his shoulders. His fish-like scales are emerald green and sometimes shine slightly in bright light. There are various white stripes across his body, front legs and tail; he also has a white muzzle and underside. This dragon has dark green eyes. On his head there are three large, straight, white horns. The central one is larger than the other two. Following his neck is a sail, a white membrane supported by five green spines. His wings are green with white membranes. They are patterned with green spirals, lines and spots. Some of the markings on his wings look like arrows. This dragon has green claws.


He often carries a sort of bag. It is made from multiple large leaves and a vine is used as a strap; it is carried around his neck. Sage uses this bag to store his plants when he is gathering them.

Personality and Quirks:


Sage is a faithful dragon, and has not been known to be anything less than that. He is honest and would never lie to anyone, which can cause problems as he sometimes struggles to keep secrets due to his personality, but he still tries to be faithful to those whose secrets he knows. The dragon is responsible and mature, he is rarely seen "having fun". To some he may seem boring due to this, but it doesn't mean he can't be fun to be around. He is very gentle and obedient so it is quite easy to manipulate him. He usually doesn't show clear affection, unless they are particularly close to him; but he is still unconditionally loving to most of those around him. Sage is understanding of others and will accept others opinions.

Although some may manipulate him, he has a noble air to him. This makes most of the others who know him respect him, which does help prevent some from using his obedient nature against him. He doesn't try to make anyone respect him, they just do. He isn't sure if it's because of his appearance, relation with his owner, or some other reason that he is treated like this. Sometimes it makes him feel uncomfortable since he just wants to be treated normally by others. He also is somewhat of a know-it-all and refuses to believe he is wrong.




Sage is an earth elemental dragon. He can control nature, meaning he can move things like vines and trees. He has the ability to telepathically communicate with animals. Unlike most other nature dragons, he is not good with healing through magic. However, to make up for this, he has learned how to use herbal remedies. He is actually ashamed of not being able to heal like other nature dragons. Since Sage was raised by humans, he has learnt to talk to them and can use various languages. Although it is not a power, he is very observant and usually notices when someone is lying.




Sage now lives inside a cave located in a heavily forested area, found on his island. His cave has a rocky path that spirals upwards, around the cave wall. A waterfall trickles down from one of the walls, making a small stream towards the lake that is in the center. The lake contains his koi fish. In the middle of the lake is an island which has a giant tree growing on it. It is hollow, and this is where Sage makes his den. Vines reach down from its branches, trying to touch the grass. Some unusually strong lily-pads and stepping stones form a path to Sage's tree. Holes in the cave's roof give the lair a magical feel as rays of light enter and are scattered by the leaves of Sage's tree.


"If every plant and flower were found in all places, the charm of locality would not exist. Everything varies, and that gives the interest."
-Richard Jefferies
Sage | Rules:

[x] Can not be sold or traded

[x] Don't change design

[x] Return to the Pound of Love on CS if no longer wanted




✗ Arguments

✗ Dishonesty

✗ Being interrupted

✗ Destruction of nature

✗ Natural disasters

✗ Jokes and pranks

✗ Voice impressions

✗ Being untrusted

✗ Hunting

✗ Judging others

✗ Tough decisions




✓ Flying

✓ Koi fish

✓ Nature

✓ Peace

✓ Plants

✓ Study of medicine

✓ Painting

✓ Knowledge

✓ Healing

✓ Foraging

✓ Seashells


Sage | Writing:

[x] by me


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